CRH clinics seek understanding and support as COVID cases hit critical level


Dear Editor,

On Behalf of the Board of Directors, I along with the Leadership team at Cuero Regional Hospital would like to make a simple request for patients seeking care at CRH or any of the clinics—be kind. This latest surge is exhausting your healthcare team, many of them pulling additional shifts as their co-workers are home ill or working in other departments to cover and maintain vital services.

Early in the COVID 19 pandemic, health care workers were regarded as heroes. Now, we are hearing from staff members that they are sometimes being met with demeaning comments and verbal abuse from patients. This greatly impacts staff morale. We do understand your frustrations with longer waits, frustration in finding testing supplies or locations, appointment delays, etc. The staff at Cuero Regional Hospital is doing their very best to keep up with this latest surge and supply shortages; still ensuring that medical services remain constant and functioning. Yet support and compassion are dwindling.

I ask you to please consider your actions and words carefully when interacting with our Cuero Health staff; have patience and understanding when seeking care. Work with—not against—us. Your Cuero Health care workers are exhausted, and they need your support. We have been fighting against this virus for over two years and are doing our best to carry on under the continued mental and physical strain daily.

Read the full letter in this week's edition of The Cuero Record. Call 361-275-3464 to subscribe.