Nov. 8 show up and vote


Dear Editor,

We can all be thankful to live in America. Thankful that Godly men formed our Country on Christian principles. Too much of their intentions have been forgotten.

We passed Independence Day and Constitution Week and wonder how many gave some real thought to what those documents say. John Adams said the Constitution was written for a moral and Religious people. America prospered as a Constitutional Republic to be the shining city on the hill that everybody around the world looked up to.

But what is happening now, the Bible talks about time will come when right will be called wrong and wrong called right. Just think about abortion, transgenderism, and LGBTQ. Common sense is not very common anymore. We took God and the Bible out of our schools. Now we are teaching wokeness, socialism and critical race theory. What can I say, but God help us.

If we want to pass on a Free America to our children and grandchildren. We need to reject socialism, The Great Reset, the Green New Deal, wokeness and so called Progressive ideas of the Left. I say no to open borders, no to more spending to cure inflation, no to climate change hysteria, no to asking your adversary to provide oil when we have plenty right here in the good old USA.

I pray that all good Christian Constitutionalists get out and vote for America first to send a real Red wave across America.

Obert Sagebiel
