Columns and Opinions

Celebrating 175 Years

I had to dig deep to find what I am about to share. Cultural beliefs didn’t stay in Europe when the immigrants came to Texas even though many searched a better life.

Record Column

There’s much happening in Cuero … Happy 150th Birthday, Cuero, Cuero Livestock Show, Market Day, and citywide Cleanup. •Cuero’s 150th birthday celebration continues Thursday, March 2, with two events: from 2-4 p.m.

Being a good leader of people

Everything we say or do is going to afOver my 60 plus years of working in various jobs I have seen many types of people who are or were in leadership positions. I learned from all of them whether I thought they were good leaders or not. This includes my print media experience of 35 plus years, my military years, time I have spent in civic organizations and clubs, and the churches I have attended and been active in.

Being a good leader of people

Overmy60plusyearsofworkinginvariousjobsIhaveseenmanytypesofpeople whoareorwereinleadershippositions.IlearnedfromallofthemwhetherIthought theyweregoodleadersornot.Thisincludesmyprintmediaexperienceof35plus years, my military years, time I have spent in civic organizations and clubs, and the churches I have attended and been active in. Manyofthesemenandwomenwereandaretremendousleadersandsomearenot nearasgoodastheythinktheyare.Ioftenwonderwhatreallymakesagreatleader and if, during this day and time, is there really one. Many will tell you how good they are but their skills and their leadership ability will tell a different story. TheBiblegivesusinsightaboutthekindofleaderGodcallsustobe.HisWordalso tells of the responsibilities each of us have when we are not in charge. First and foremost a good leader submits to God’s authority. Too often leaders subject themselves to other gods and images such as prestige, power,money,etc.GodclearlytellsusinExodus20:3throughoneofHiscommandments that“Thoushalthavenoothergodsbeforeme.”Wefindthatmanyofourso called leaders push themselves by doing what they think is best instead of talking with God and allowing Him to lead. So many leaders follow falsehoods and self- gratifications insteadofhonoringwhatGodwouldhavethemtodo. Many of us, as followers, believe leadership roles are for those that talk a good game insteadofshowingusandleadingusinagodlymanner.Theybelieveinrecognition which brings temptation to put themselves above others. A good leader is also a servant. Matthew 20:25-28 Jesus tells His disciples not to exercise authority over people but to lower themselves to be a servant. One thing I have learnedasamanagerinmyyearsofleadingpeopleisthatyouneverasksomeoneto dosomethingthatyouyourselfwouldnotorcannotdo.Agoodleaderisfreeofpride and arrogance and serves with a pure heart. IhaveseenCEO’sofcompaniesandindustriesthatcouldwalkthroughtheircompanies andcalleachoftheiremployeesbyname.Thismeanssomuchtoapersonwho youaretryingtoleadandproduceajobwelldone.Iunderstandthatsomecompanies aresolargeandhavethousandsofemployees,whichmakesitalmostimpossible,but tohanddownthismentalitytoyourrankandfilemanagersisimportantsothatthey willgoanddothesame.Agoodleaderknowsandcaresfortheirpeople.Heorshe should speak to them regularly and ask questions and listen to them. Being a leader doesn’t necessarily require you to be of certain age. Listening to others cangiveyousomeconvictionofhowandwhatyoucandobettertocareforyour people.Bydoingthisyoubecomeapersonthatsomeonewantstofollowandinturn will give you their best performance.Your example as a leader will be contagious to thosearoundyou.Leadershavetomaketoughdecisionsonoccasions,howeverthe leaderthathonorsandsubmitstoGod’sauthoritywillbecomeanexampleofthose whofollowthemandthesedecisionswillbecomeeasier.

Come have coffee with us

GOD first...Heavenly Father, we pray for a stronger, deeper faith in the perfection of our lives, even if we can’t make sense of it right now. We pray for more sprititual endurance and fortitude when we feel like giving up. Thank you Lord for all that you do for those near and around us as we pray in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Content compensation at issue in JCPA bill

Frederick sburg Radio Post Publisher In its infinite wisdom, Congress let the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) die a silent death after having had it on the front burners for the past couple of years. I hope our industry is not doing the same.

Celebrating 175 years of Yorktown

Musings by It has been a lengthy time since I wrote about my musings but Yorktown, Texas is celebrating it’s 175th Birthday and I just can’t resist sharing my musings over documents found in the Yorktown Historical Museum. I am totally enthralled by Charles Eckhardt at the moment.

Nordheim News

GOD first..Heavenly Father, Your peace gives us hope, faith, and strength and allows us to be strong for others who may need us. Make us instruments of Your peace so that even as we help ourselves, we can help everyone else around us. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

A Message From the Mayor:

February is not only a month of LOVE but one of fun events…Cuero’s 150th Birthday featuring Black History Month activities, Chamber’s Purse Bingo, and Cuero Livestock show! And the City begins work on streets and completes work in the Park. •In February the City of Cuero will begin a repaving project on several streets including W.