City narrows down search for city administrator


By Anna Noel

Yorktown News-View

The regular meeting of the Yorktown city council took place on Monday, March 28, at 6 p.m. at City Hall.

During the meeting, Mayor Baker gave his monthly report and updated the council on the progress of the search for a new city administrator.

“The review/interview team met Wednesday before last, we had six applicants,” Baker informed the council. “We narrowed it down to three, contacted those three, and we’re going to start interviews on Wednesday evening [March 30]. We’re going to try to have something to bring back to the council by the end of the week.”

Gloria Macias spoke during the public comments portion of the meeting. Macias spoke previously at the Feb. 28 meeting, raising an objection to paying a $547 water bill that built up while a woman was living in the house Macias currently owns.

“I’m here just as a continuation of last month,” Macias explained. “I have expressed the reasons that I feel very unjust in paying Debbie Rios’ water bill. She stole from me on numerous occasions, she’s threatened me on numerous occasions, she’s polluted my yard on several occasions. She poisoned my dog with antifreeze, he died as a matter of fact. She has always been very, very aggressive towards me. I called the cops many times and they’re like, ‘Well, you know, she’s not all there, there’s nothing we can do,’. She trashed my office, so I spoke to several deputies and none of them even bothered to go out there and make a report."

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