One Bad Bird


Ruby cruises to another victory over Paycheck

  • Ruby Begonia in stride to the finish line.
    Ruby Begonia in stride to the finish line.
  • Cuero and Worthington walk arm in arm to the starting line for the race.
    Cuero and Worthington walk arm in arm to the starting line for the race.
  • Turkeyfest alumni walk before the Great Gobbler Gallop on Saturday.
    Turkeyfest alumni walk before the Great Gobbler Gallop on Saturday.
  • On your mark. The Turkeys are in their blocks.
    On your mark. The Turkeys are in their blocks.
  • Cuero's 2022 champion race team: Joel Hilburn, Trent Kainer, Butch Prause, and Shannon Henson.
    Cuero's 2022 champion race team: Joel Hilburn, Trent Kainer, Butch Prause, and Shannon Henson.
  • If it ain't turkey racing, it ain't racing.
    If it ain't turkey racing, it ain't racing.

The Great Gobbler Gallop concluded Saturday morning, Oct. 8, in downtown Cuero with Cuero’s own Ruby Begonia winning the second leg of the race with a time of 1 minute and 4 seconds. Paycheck crossed the finish line with a time of 2 minutes and 44.47 seconds, including penalties. Following both legs of the race, Ruby is the overall winner with a total time of 2 minutes and 27.35 seconds. Paycheck clocked in a total time of 4 minutes and 13.62 seconds. Ruby’s race team was presented with the Great Gobbler Gallop Traveling Turkey Trophy of Tumultuous Triumph. Worthington’s bird could have had a faster time in Cuero, but Paycheck decided to turn around and go the opposite way just before crossing the finish line. Pictured are Turkeyfest race team members Butch Prause, Joel Hilburn, Trent Kainer and ShaNon Henson celebrating their victory at the finish line with Ruby.

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